My dog and kitty. <3

My Daisy and Moka are so cute together, they love each other so much. <3

Please send her some love..

She is an amazing person, that has gone through a lot, and I feel she could really use some love right now.
Please send her a loving comment, even if you don't understand what she is going through. She's really smart, bright, beautiful girl, that deserves happiness! I hope you feel better soon Beckie. Please love yourself for you, you are a special person, that will make it big in the world one day. So very talented. I have never and didn't think I could ever care for someone I didn't really know, so much, but she deserves to be cared for. I support you, and many others do too. Stay happy. Thanks for reading. <3

To late, noob.

Don't judge your Grandma's.
 They rock, you just don't know it.


It's a battle for most, a love for others.. Think long and hard about it, before you begin, and think long and hard about quitting. I'm not here to judge, or tell you it's bad for you or that it'll costs a lot of money, since everyone already knows that. I'm here to remind you, to keep yourself safe, and be happy with what you are doing. Enjoy your life, and be who you are. You don't need anyone but you.

Opinions I have gotten on smoking:

  • I smoked on and off for years. My aunt just died from cancer that she got from smoking. But I still do enjoy the random cigar here and there. I guess it depends on the person. I dont like the smell of the smoke anymore and you can smell a smoker a mile away no matter how much perfume you put on. I would rather smell good and not smell like an ashtray. Also thinking about it....I could have bought alot of cool stuff with the money that I wasted on smokes. Here its ten dollars a pack now. I can do alot with ten bucks and smoking it is not one of them.
  • xD I'm pretty sure we did the math before an if my mom hadn't started smoking, she would have had enough to buy a brand new house an car.
  •  Y.U.K hubby is smoker hate it sooo much as i see what he is doing to himself...
  • BAD ^^ unless you want to live a shorter life and risk addiction, second hand smoke and influencing others around you to make the same bad choice, I would stay away!! Get a hobby to take off stress and relax but dont smoke!! Ive seen what it can do and its f****** nasty :p
  • I dont find there is anything wrong with smoking. Its a choice. And whether you do or dont is fine in my opinion. It has it's ups and downs but overall theres a reason its so popular.
  • i had a friend"laci" and we were in middle school at the time
    i would let her use my jackets and when she gave back it stinked
    e x e" like cigaretts as we got older she still smoked but she didnt look the small her skin turned yellowish and her teeth DX!
    to me smoken is nasty i cant stand the smell!

  • I Don't like anything to really do with smoking. It a costly habit that kills you slowly. The cheapest pack of smokes I've heard of it 4.50 
    And that last like a day if the smoker is lucky(also depending on the smoker them self). Some even go through 3-4 packs a day 18$ everyday. within a month the cheapst smokes cost 500$ that could pay rent for a place...Just to kill them self off slowly.

  • They're horrible.
    They kill you slowly; and should have never been made. =/