Do I have to ask permission to use your profiles?

If they are the free to use profiles on my site, that gives out the coding, then no of course not!
It is 100% free to use, you can use them whenever you want, whichever one you want.

How do you make your profile images?

I make my profiles with Photoshop 5.0.
I use the tools it already has to make the boxes, over images.

How do you code profiles?

I hand code them, using CSS coding guide found on Google.

Will you make me a profile?

I DO do commissions, but NOT for free.
Please MM me on tinierme, my username is: Inkxy.

Will you take my profile suggestion?

Yes, of course!
Please fill out the "profile survey" on my website.

How long does it take to make a profile?

A really long time, actually.. As the coding is very annoying sometimes, but I like doing it.

Why did you start making profiles?

It started with Gaiaonline, I made a lot of profiles for myself and a few others, because I wanted something to call my own, since all the costume profiles weren't fit for me, and I didn't really like them.
One day if I get back into gaiaonline I will put those kind of profiles on my site.

How long did it take to learn?

A long time, and I am still learning to this day, it is tricky, and I learned on my own, so it was harder.

How much do your profiles cost?

The ones on my website are free to use, but if you order a custom profile on tinierme, it cost 2 - 5 CG items, depending on what you want. I almost take CC items, and animated items. But we'd have to work something out together for those. My trading link is also on my website, under contact, if you want to look at what I want to bribe me with. 

Why do you make free to use profiles?

It is fun, and I love the practice, I also like to make people happy.

Can I steal your work and make it as my own?

No, you CANNOT. It is against the law, and against any ToS! Do NOT take my copy right off of the image, do not SELL my profiles, do not take credit for MY profiles, do not STEAL my coding! You, and your website will be reported if you do so!